Saturday, April 7, 2012

GPU Final: Week 4_2

Since last post I've been working on GPU KD tree construction.

And I've been spending my whole past 4 days reading and implementing Kun Zhou's paper "Real-Time KD-Tree Construction on Graphics Hardware"

Good news is I've implemented part of the construction part. Bad news is that there's a few ambiguity in the paper and is not well illustrated. Based on the time I've already spent on this paper I made a prediction of how long it would take me to finish the KD tree part. Given the fact that I haven't started the other two final projects yet, I decided to do path tracing instead. The basis set up for photon mapping would be finished when I don't have that heavy coursework pressure.

So start off today I turned into path tracing. A preliminary result has come out, which come up with a nice rendered image but takes a few seconds to converge. Because I'm using a point light right now, the result looks a little bit dim.

I'll focus on tuning my framework to support other kind of lights in the coming days, and also dealing with reflection and transparency. Now the result only have diffuse part and is limited to effects like color bleeding.

I'll post a video when I'm satisfied with the result.

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